Friday, February 26, 2010

Baby dies while doctors fighting

BRAZILIAN authorities have opened a probe into the death of a newborn baby in a hospital that occurred when two doctors involved in the delivery allegedly came to blows.

The medics involved in the incident on Tuesday have both been sacked, the news agency Agencia Estado said.

According to the Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper, a 32-year-old woman, Gislaine Santana, was in labor requiring a caesarian section when the doctors' fight erupted.

"It was a big fight. They ended up rolling around on the floor,'' Ms Santana's husband, Gilberto Melo Cabreira, said.

"And my wife was screaming for them to stop."

A third doctor came into the room 90 minutes later to perform the caesarian, but by that time the woman had delivered her baby girl stillborn.

"I don't want to make accusations," the husband said.

"But I can testify to one thing: up to the birth, my daughter was in full health."

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