Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sand from the Sahara has blocked the Sun and landed the airplanes

Cloud of dust from the Sahara Desert, which is several thousand miles long, has blocked the sun and caused the suspension of air traffic in West Africa.

Satellite footage, made ​​by NASA, of the largest sandstorms in the last two years, shows a cloud of yellowish-brown color, which came from the Western Sahara to Mali.

Residents of Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, are covering their faces with scarves or remain in their homes, and drivers using light on their vehicles by day to cut through the mist.

The sandstorms had started two days ago, leaving thick layers of sand and dust on the sidewalks and windows.
In neighboring Senegal is called off dozens of flights, and dust particles reduce the visibility below 400 meters. 
Meteorologists say that the dust comes mainly from the Northwest Sahara, under the influence of seasonal wind that blows during the winter in the Northern hemisphere.

Such a sandstorms usually occur in the last four days of February and the first three days of March, according to residents of the region.

For the inhabitants on the Sahara Desert, these sandstorm was after the bad weather that came just a few days ago from Europe - snow that has claimed victims in Algeria.

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